Andrés Vargas Rodríguez

Senior Python Web Developer

Mexico City. andres at


Knowledge of free and open source world. An tools for develop agile applications, with support on Linux servers and derive platforms. Development skills on dynamic websites and software engineer.


Bachelor of Computer Science.
I was graduated on: Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY). Facultad de Matemáticas (FMAT).

Right now (jul-2013) I studing Master on Computer Science.


Spanish and English (this cv express my English level, im know its not good but I can communicate.)


GNU/Linux, i love sed,grep,wc,wget,tmux,screen,vim
Using by 9 years, with diferents flavors, from gentoo to ubuntu
I loved!!!

I contrib with a lot of django apps on github, sending push requests.
I use python with a lot of libraries my favorite are:

If i repeat something more than 2 times, i write a fabfile for that task, with this fabricdeployer born
I use scrapy for web scrape sites and generate other site with better UI. for example depamap or supranime
The best library for soap webservices, i use with sabre webservices and navitare what not use the standard and need to injects xml nodes for getting work.
Some clients on interalia, want to expose information on xml, with small effort lxml do all job.
My favorite replacement for curl or urllib, i used a lot with rest api's and for getting info from websites and parsing with BeatifulSoap or scrapy engine
I try web2py,, flask. And django for me ever win! i use django for standalone gtk app.
A lot of websites i made with this, i can said can compete with other cms like drupal. django-cms comes with pages, menu, user management, perms, multisite, multilanguage,fronted editing, plugin/app system.
I was searching a tool like celeryd, but very light, this lib fill all my needs.

My second language are javascript, i use it like OOP. Using backbone. But i love using jquery and write my own plugins.
I have used nodejs, backbone and some html templates like handblebars or mustache.
Php and HTML
I have build websites with yii framework. One of those are KelloggsPro migrating the python code to php.
I know all about html5, webrtc, websockets, AJAX.
Facebook Apps
I have to make facebook apps using opengraph, fanpages apps too
High Traffic websites
I have experience on high traffic websites, optimized system with cache like memcached. Nginx traffic balancy, using dns roundrobin.
Source code versioning.
Web SysAdmin
i hate cpanel, plesk, i prefer a clean and small vps, I used openstack from rackspace and Amazon EC2. My deployment stack are: nginx, uwsgi, mysql, memcached, supervisord. But i use too: Bind9, apache2, cherokee, postgresql, redis.


Python by 5 years
Django 5 years (im expert NINJA on the framework)
MySQL using InnoDB and MyISAM engine. 5 Years
JavaScript: jQuery i like handblebars. 5 Years
PHP 2 years.
Postgresql 1 year.

Some years ago, Mark Zuckerberg said code win arguments ..

Employment History

Feb 2008 – Sept 2008 PHP developer in Astrata Software (astrata). I develop a from scratch a stock trading application of sports. I work remote using jabber, ticket system, php, cakephp, mysql, Javascript, Mootools.

Nov 2008 – Feb 2009 Python developer in XtremeSolutuins (Cancun Quintana Roo) I did a Point of Sale app, with near death-line. Using python, django and meteora widgets.

March 2009 – September 2010 Analytic and .net developer on COTEMAR INC (cotemar). My functions start interactive with clients and develop solutions of problems. Doing problem analysis and help to develop the solution.

September 2010 – Current. Python(Senior) Ninja Web Developer for digital agency . I involve with a lot of website using django/jquery with a lot of opensource technologies.

Here I develop frontend and backend websites for clients:

General Motors:
intranet applications with django.
Volaris (in the html source code appear my sign) made with django-cms and a lot of apps and plugins
Kelloggs Pro php site with yii framework, this project was funny because the admin was made with django admin
Teleton made with django-cms, user management and social authentication
Nutrioli I made small and simple plugins for the django-cms implementation
Kio-Networks Django-cms implementation, and mobile version too.
* All design of websites was not made by me. But a lot of all javascript fronted yes.
Linkedin: zodman
CodeSignal: zodman